I am so pleased to be here on this blog.  I don’t get to guest blog as much as I would like to, but I do welcome this opportunity to talk about a real short story, but one that is completely outside of what I would normally write.   

The short short story (it is around 4,000 words) is called  Temporary Insanity.  Published by Shara Azod LLC it is a new addition to her Quele Scandal series.  We as authors, should try to push the envelope and sometimes challenge our readers to explore new content, maybe in a way they never thought about before.  Temporary Insanity does that.  What would you do if you if you were approached with an indecent proposal?   Would you run away from it without even asking yourself the question?  Would you think about it and still say ‘no?’  Or would you succumb to a bout of Temporary Insanity… 

The narrator finds herself approached by a couple (man and a woman) and is asked an honest question.  What ensues is the question that anyone would ask themselves if put in that position.  You would have to read the book to find out the question, but I think it captures ‘real’ and ‘honest’ emotions as much as a fiction piece can.  The publisher,  the fabulous Shara Azod, stated it perfectly, think of it as Penthouse Forums for women.   Why is it that men get to have tawdry non-committed acts of passion and we as women are left out of that circle?    Does everything that we read have to have your stereotypical romance or can we as empowered women have a little fun?   Temporary Insanity is one of those books that leaves it open for you to decide: what would you do?   


Find this title here:

Nevea Lane – Temporary Insanity



As I sit here staring at a giant painting of wild flowers and musing on all that is – yet again – I have discovered, if nothing else, I am a reluctant romantic.  The slightest touch has the potential to stir my passion.  Even so, in the very next breath, the same emotion for the previous object of my affection can be cooled just as easily.

I suppose I am like most people of artistic nature – persistently seeking to connect in new and more profound ways.  Looking back, I was not always this way.  Perhaps it was the tides of life and the stirring to explore a true relationship with the One at the very center of all creation that ultimately led me on this journey – quietly driven to discover the perfect love (and its constant companion…hope).

Then again…sometimes the concept of the Great Romance is much more soothing (or, depending on the hour of the day, more tempestuously appealing) than to actually achieve its full reward or possible disappointment.

PS – Did I mention I love flowers…love in eternal bloom…LL

Another week is ending and the chill of fall is hovering all around us.  I love the coziness that autumn brings but, at the same time, it also makes me miss the warmth of summer all the more.

I snapped this photo months ago, possibly somewhere in the neighborhood of late June, just when the breath of summer was first touching the air.  This morning, as I sat contemplating all of the subtleties of romance – for the nine thousandth time – this particular pic flashed in my mind.  I immediately started to liken this photo to my personal thoughts and perspective on love, writing, and my love of writing. The image itself is off-center and slightly blurred (professional photography is definitely not my calling :)); however, the distortion doesn’t necessarily detract from the beauty of the flowers within the frame.  You can still spot the loveliness at the edges of the petals that I saw with my own eyes and can almost imagine how the soft shade of pink peeking out from amongst the throng of greenery first caught my attention, causing me to pause mid-step (how similar to the very first time I realized how beautiful IR romance truly is).  A moment wasn’t enough to wonder at this natural perfection and serene balance, so I decided to hold on the delicate seconds for a while longer.

At times, love, romance, and personal fulfillment have a tendency to hide just off camera or become a bit out of focus, yet they remain ever-present and patiently waiting to be captured and admired…for a while longer. (Such are the inner musings of an aspiring author and independent publisher – completely in love with a new kind of romance and constantly comparing life to art, and back again.)

Wishing you a fabulous and cheery weekend, Dear Reader, and concluding with a present for you – “Another crimson rose awaited me this morning.  I tried desperately not to be swept back into the forbidden and carnal moment, but was helpless to resist the urge to relive every thrilling and sensuous touch…” (From Simone: Second Chances by Lenise Lee)